Our Vision
As we live out Jesus’ great commission and great command, we want to be a church so overflowing with God’s life and love that it cannot be contained.
Inspired by the Ephesian church of Acts 19, we want to see people empowered and released to play their part, with others, in serving God’s plan to renew the whole of creation and to see lives to be transformed.
We do this by modelling, mentoring and encouraging the formation of rhythms, habits and life-patterns that help release growth in faith and empower us to bring transformation to our communities. These God-filled practices shape into a contemporary rule of life. As we put these things into practice we are expectant to strengthen in faith and grow in numbers
St Michael’s used to be the ‘barracks church’ – soldiers come to worship from what is now Hampton Magna. They were trained and sent out into battle all over the world; we want to recapture that image, training, equipping and sending God’s people. More than that, in the year 2000, an earthquake hit central England with the epicenter of Budbrooke and, more specifically, St Michael’s itself.
Our belief is that something amazing will flow out from the church and have wider impact in the local area.
We shape our ministry to enable each of us to find good rhythms and patterns of life that will release growth in faith and impact as live for God and join his plan to heal and renew the whole of creation. We express this through our Crown discipling rhythm which expresses some key biblical values.
We acknowledge the significance of gathered worship, glorifying God together and building one another up.
We aspire to grow in our relationships with each other with a commitment to sharing life together with an open welcome to others.
The love of the early church was evident, in part, by their commitment to be together, sharing life, food as they met house to house through the week.
We refuse to run at the pace of the world, rejecting the incessant demands of modern life.
We seek to model something better, recognising
joyful, God-filled renewing rest is a choice.
Everyone has a part to play.
We seek to call the treasure out of one another, to discern and use our gifts to bring glimpses of heaven to earth.
Like Mary in Luke 10, we long to sit at Jesus feet and listen. Privately, and together, we seek to set time aside for worship, prayer and praise regularly, aiming to keep growing in this area of life.
We note the importance of fasting and recognise committed corporate prayer as essential to seeing the breakthrough of God’s Kingdom whether in conversions, healing or other signs of the Lord being at work.
Whether gathered together or in private devotions, we love hearing God’s word to us from the Bible and allowing its wisdom and truth to shape our lives. We want to live authentic lives, seeking to go deeper in our understanding and to put into practice all we learn.
Jesus sends each of us out to bear witness to him. In Luke 10, he gives us his strategy – to search for People of Peace. Open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, we seek to be good news, helping people take a ‘next step’ towards Jesus.